Epic Fantasy Novel Series

An Epic Fantasy Novel Series

Book I
Book II

This Is a Tale of

Legendary BattlesEternal LoveThe True Cost of Magic.

It has been written that God created the universe and its wonders in infinite numbers. He made stars as nursemaids to look over the young and vulnerable planets and watched them grow into worlds of opportunity, and He gave them balance in all matters. On one such world, known as Olluren, life was seeded on the favored land of Asaria, and sprouted under the watchful eyes of two Heavenly brothers – one son who loved the children of God and showered them with blessings, while the other hated mankind and indulged in their suffering.

This Is a Tale of

Legendary BattlesEternal LoveThe True Cost of Magic.

It has been written that God created the universe and its wonders in infinite numbers. He made stars as nursemaids to look over the young and vulnerable planets and watched them grow into worlds of opportunity, and He gave them balance in all matters. On one such world, known as Olluren, life was seeded on the favored land of Asaria, and sprouted under the watchful eyes of two Heavenly brothers – one son who loved the children of God and showered them with blessings, while the other hated mankind and indulged in their suffering.

Book I
Book II


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This Is a Tale of

Legendary BattlesEternal LoveThe True Cost of Magic.

It has been written that God created the universe and its wonders in infinite numbers. He made stars as nursemaids to look over the young and vulnerable planets and watched them grow into worlds of opportunity, and He gave them balance in all matters. On one such world, known as Olluren, life was seeded on the favored land of Asaria, and sprouted under the watchful eyes of two Heavenly brothers – one son who loved the children of God and showered them with blessings, while the other hated mankind and indulged in their suffering.

“He didn’t just make up a whole new world with new people. He actually drew from real history and tied it all together with fantasy. There are vikings, Native Americans, Samurai, etc. You can tell he put a lot of thought and research into each culture and it added a lot of cultural diversity to the book.”

 – A Buyer Review for Year of the Frost Horn

Immerse Yourself in the Cultures of Asaria

Learn more about the vibrant and diverse people of Olluren, from the revered Frost Giants of the North with their imposing stature and frost blue eyes, to the proud Dishoni warriors of the West.



As the kingdoms of Asaria prepare for war and the Dishoni tribes from the West mass together, heroes gifted with the abilities to make a difference stand before the coming storm. Hell bent on destroying the Northmen and their legendary ruler, the king of Asaria jeopardizes his kingdom by joining forces with the Kadomi – a savage race of demons that dwell in the caves of Kadomi. Together, they will do anything to appease the Kadomi Lord who has vowed to annihilate all mankind, and see the Temple of Carami bathe in fire and blood.

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The journey continues as the Asarian Army sweeps its way to the Valley of the Titans to secure The Scar – entrance into the North and the indomitable giants that live there. Aliha travels to the ancient Temple of Carami to find a lost queen and a fabled horn that could change the tide of the coming war, while a rival sibling seeks to destroy her and the burden of prophecy she claims to carry.

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“I read this book in six days because I just had to learn what was going to happen next. This author is very good at describing people, places, and events and this keeps the reader hooked.”

“I read this book in six days because I just had to learn what was going to happen next. This author is very good at describing people, places, and events and this keeps the reader hooked.”

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