Year of the Frost Horn

Book II: The Trinity of Blades

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Year of the Frost Horn

Book II: The Trinity of Blades

“B.K. Suitter keeps you hooked through the entire novel and really builds your admiration for each character. Felt like I was watching a movie with how descriptive his writing is. I highly recommend it.”

– An Amazon Reader Review

A New Epic Fantasy Novel

The journey continues as the Asarian Army sweeps its way to the Valley of the Titans to secure The Scar – entrance into the North and the indomitable giants that live there. Aliha travels to the ancient Temple of Carami to find a lost queen and a fabled horn that could change the tide of the coming war, while a rival sibling seeks to destroy her and the burden of prophecy she claims to carry.

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“This is a fantastic novel written by a fantastic author. If you enjoy a complex epic fantasy with magic, romance, adventure, monsters, and a bad ass anti-hero, I definitely recommend.”

– An Amazon Reader Review

When All Things Happen for a Reason…

Who Decides What That Reason Is For?

“You created a city of splendor in vain with magic that was meant to humble. You cursed your Brothers and turned the valley into a wasteland, all for your glory – not Carami’s,” replied Aliha as the monk king shook in anger and the ceiling above them began to break apart and diamonds fell like rain drops all about them.

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When All Things Happen for a Reason, Who Decides What That Reason Is For?

“You created a city of splendor in vain with magic that was meant to humble. You cursed your Brothers and turned the valley into a wasteland, all for your glory – not Carami’s,” replied Aliha as the monk king shook in anger and the ceiling above them began to break apart and diamonds fell like rain drops all about them.

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Immerse Yourself in the Cultures of Olluren

Learn more about the vibrant and diverse people of Olluren, from the revered Frost Giants of the North with their imposing stature and frost blue eyes, to the proud Dishoni warriors of the West.



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As the kingdoms of Asaria prepare for war and the Dishoni tribes from the West mass together, heroes gifted with the abilities to make a difference stand before the coming storm. Hell bent on destroying the Northmen and their legendary ruler, the king of Asaria jeopardizes his kingdom by joining forces with the Kadomi – a savage race of demons that dwell in the caves of Kadomi. Together, they will do anything to appease the Kadomi Lord who has vowed to annihilate all mankind, and see the Temple of Carami bathe in fire and blood.

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“It’s as if you are traveling in the book with the characters and experiencing what they are experiencing. That makes for an exciting read. I look forward to reading the final in the series so that I can see where it all ends–happily, I hope.”

“Loved everything about this book!
I got this book on a whim and now I’m a lifelong fan of this author.”

– An Amazon Reader Review

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