The Cultures of Asaria

Dishoni WarriorsFormidable NorthmenAsarian SoldiersKadomi SavagesArani Royalty

Immerse Yourself in the Rich and Vibrant Cultures of a New Fantasy World

Dishoni WarriorsFormidable NorthmenAsarian SoldiersKadomi SavagesArani Royalty

“He didn’t just make up a whole new world with new people. He actually drew from real history and tied it all together with fantasy. There are vikings, Native Americans, Samurai, etc. You can tell he put a lot of thought and research into each culture and it added a lot of cultural diversity to the book.”

 – A Buyer Review for Year of the Frost Horn

The Northmen

The Northmen are considered giants compared to the smaller men of the South, standing near to eight feet tall. They wear heavy furs and carry stout mugs of dark ale and relish in glorifying themselves toward greatness. Most have long white hair and thick snowy beards; their pale skin and light blue lips giving them a frosty look like someone caught in a light snow storm. At times, when the light is right, their skin and hair seem to sparkle. Their legendary king, Beurgas Ironheart, is superior among their race, revered as a god and is truly an ageless giant.

The Dishoni

The Dishoni (Dish-oh-nee) are a tribal people with long, straight, black hair and faces that seem carved of stone. Their skin is a reddish-brown, the color of those who spend much time under the sun, their dark eyes and pointed features giving them an exotic look. The hardened warriors wear eagle feathers in their hair and give tribute to the offerings of the land and its sacred animals. Chief Wind of Change is honored as the greatest of the tribal leaders.

The Asarians

The Asarians are a proud people dominated by a ruthless king and led to believe they are superior to the other races of men. They have been preparing for war for the past fifteen years. Their mines are packed with slaves and their cities filled with factories for the building of war machines.

The Kadomi

Born of darkness with the spirits of animals and beasts so they have no will of their own and are minions to their master. Their human appearance gives them an edge to the destruction of man as they are able to use weapons of war and infiltrate peaceful societies, and with their gifted animal senses and abilities, including powerful jaws, razor sharp teeth and claws, they are truly the hunters of man. They are the children of the beast, Plagarous.

The Arani

A peaceful nation with a king that values trade and commerce. Cities such as Starcrest, Redrose, and Arani City are the largest in the realm and are crowded with people from all parts of Asaria.


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As the kingdoms of Asaria prepare for war and the Dishoni tribes from the West mass together, heroes gifted with the abilities to make a difference stand before the coming storm. Hell bent on destroying the Northmen and their legendary ruler, the king of Asaria jeopardizes his kingdom by joining forces with the Kadomi – a savage race of demons that dwell in the caves of Kadomi. Together, they will do anything to appease the Kadomi Lord who has vowed to annihilate all mankind, and see the Temple of Carami bathe in fire and blood.

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The journey continues as the Asarian Army sweeps its way to the Valley of the Titans to secure The Scar – entrance into the North and the indomitable giants that live there. Aliha travels to the ancient Temple of Carami to find a lost queen and a fabled horn that could change the tide of the coming war, while a rival sibling seeks to destroy her and the burden of prophecy she claims to carry.

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“It’s as if you are traveling in the book with the characters and experiencing what they are experiencing. That makes for an exciting read. I look forward to reading the final in the series so that I can see where it all ends–happily, I hope.”

“It’s as if you are traveling in the book with the characters and experiencing what they are experiencing. That makes for an exciting read. I look forward to reading the final in the series so that I can see where it all ends–happily, I hope.”

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